On December 27, 2019, the Mexican Ministry of Economy issued the final ruling on the anti-dumping investigation against aluminum foil paper rolls originating in China, and decided to take final anti-dumping measures, valid for 5 years. The Mexican customs number of the product involved is 76071101.
In June 2019, India conducted anti-dumping duties investigations on some types of aluminum foil imported from China, Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand. The form of dumping is to increase the absolute quantity of dumped imported products, involving production and consumption, price reduction and price suppression and its impact on domestic industries. Aluminum foil of 80 microns and below, such as cigarette foil and household foil are under review. The General Administration of Trade Remedies of India stated that they have launched an investigation that damages the investigation period or covers the 2017-2020 period.

On August 14, 2020, the European Union issued the “Notice on the Launch of Anti-dumping Investigations against Imported Aluminum Sheets, Strips and Foil from China”. The investigation was proposed by the European Aluminum Association on June 30, 2020 on behalf of the manufacturers. Merchants account for more than 25% of the total output of EU aluminum plates, strips and foils.
The Chinese customs duty number of the product involved is: 7606 11 10, 7606 11 91, 7606 11 93, 7606 11 99, 7606 12 20, ex 7606 12 92 (EU tax number 7606 12 92 95), ex 7606 12 93 (EU tax 7606 12 93 86), ex 7606 12 99 (EU tax number 7606 12 99 25 and 7606 12 99 86), 7606 91 00, ex 7606 92 00 (EU tax number 7606 92 00 86), ex 7607 11 90 (EU Tax number 7607 11 90 44, 7607 11 90 48, 7607 11 90 51, 7607 11 90 53, 7607 11 90 60, 7607 11 90 71, 7607 11 90 73, 7607 11 90 75, 7607 11 90 77, 7607 11 90 91, 7607 11 90 93).
On September 18, 2020, in response to the application of domestic enterprises, Thailand launched a case of protection measures against imported aluminum foil (Thai: aucwauaasafitfiu, English: aluminum foil). The product of this investigation is no village back aluminum foil (thickness s0.2mm). The Thai customs codes of the products involved were 7607.1.0000 and 7607.19.00.090