Aluminum foil for insulation is a layer that can be used in combination with any materials, or on its own to help cut heating and cooling costs for your home.

Aluminium foil is widely used for radiation shield (barrier and reflectivity), heat exchangers (heat conduction) and cable liners (barrier and electrical conductivity). Aluminium foil’s heat conductive qualities make it a common accessory in hookah smoking: a sheet of perforated aluminium foil is frequently placed between the coal and the tobacco, allowing the tobacco to be heated without coming into direct contact with the burning coal.
When installing aluminum foil insulation, there are a few important considerations. The first is location. Research indicates that foil insulation works best when it is placed near the heat source. This means that stapling it to the inside of the roof trusses or rafters is the best way to keep heat out in summer.
Second,aluminum foil for house wrap to stop heat from radiating outward through the walls, as well as beneath the floor, which is more important in winter applications.
The third consideration when installing foil insulation is getting a tight seal. When properly installed as a house wrap, foil insulation can act as a barrier against air transfer, drastically reducing drafting in your house.
Aluminum foil insulation is a thin blanket made up of one or more layers of aluminum and plastic substrate, which reflects heat rather than merely slowing it down or resisting it as other insulations do. It is most commonly applied to a roof or attic, where it can effectively reflect the sun’s heat before that heat can infiltrate the home.