Aluminium foil is widely used to seal yoghurt containers (e.g. plastic cups) and owing to the acidic nature of yoghurt and the necessity of heat sealing, the aluminium foil is normally coated with a layer of plastic. If the preformed type of plastic cup is used, the aluminium foil lids are usually precut and around 2500–3000 lids are packed into a special magazine to minimise mechanical damage. The diameter of these lids is <100 mm, and they usually have a pull-tab for easy opening.

For yoghurt packaged using the form-fill-seal technique, the aluminium foil is delivered to the dairy as a reel, with the width of the reel being varied in relation to the number of filling heads (abreast) on the packaging machine. The aluminium foil (gauge around 40 μm) is similar to that of the precut type, but the embossing process is omitted since it would serve no function.
The gauge of the foil is around 40 μm, and each lid is normally embossed. The embossing pattern can be varied to suit the customer’s requirements and the impression can be up to 100 μm in depth. The embossing is essential to facilitate easy pickup of single lids from the magazine assembly prior to placing over the filled cup and heat sealing.
We are the dedicated aluminum foil Manufacturer and Supplier entity upholding highest levels of client satisfaction in our offered Aluminium Foils and Wads. Our product offering is widely cherished for its durable finish.
We are one of the top leading Manufacturers and Suppliers of optimum quality Aluminium Circles, Blister Aluminium Foils, Aluminium Tagger Foils, Cork Wads, EPE Liner Wads, Aluminium Lids and Wads and Aluminium Seal Foils. Our offered products are widely popular and acknowledged for being moisture proof nature, extra ordinary performance, justified rates and eco-friendliness.